You can make a difference and influence what is happening with IARP! Consider volunteering by filling out the form below.
Eligibility: Must be a professional member of IARP in good standing and sign the IARP Code of Conduct.
Submission Form
IARP Chapter Presidents
The Chapter President’s purpose is to oversee all functions of the individual IARP chapters. NOTE: These are elected positions that sit on this Comittee
Roles and Responsibilities
Chapter President
The responsibilities of the Chapter President include but are not limited to:
The president presides at and attends all meetings of the members, Board of Directors, and executive committee. In concert with the executive director, and council of President’s Chairperson sees that the Board of Directors, executive committee, and
officers are kept fully informed on the conditions and operations of the Association. The chapter president has a dual role in the Association. They are the executive officer of the chapter as well as the chapters’ representative on the Council
of Chapter Presidents.
Responsibilities to the Chapter
- Preside at all chapter meetings and events.
- Oversee the activities of the other board members and committees.
- Keep all members informed on a regular basis of chapter activities, programs, and services.
- Make oneself available to the community as a resource for information concerning rehabilitation issues.
- Resolve difficult or controversial issues in a tactful, professional manner, permitting full discussion in all debatable motions while respecting the position of each member. Once a decision is made, implement it in a positive manner as the majority
- Adhere to all chapters and IARP bylaws, policies, and procedures.
- Provide a well-rounded and meaningful program of activities, and supply information pertaining to the latest clinical techniques and managerial techniques available to its membership.
- Serve as a community information center to the general public on questions and recommendations concerning rehabilitation.
- The individual directly responsible for the coordination of these activities is the president of the local chapter.
This role requires a sincere, dedicated, and conscientious effort to fulfill all of the obligations and responsibilities of the office, and needless to say, it is necessary to spend many hours of planning, executing, and controlling the many chapter
projects and activities. All this is necessary, however, if we are to maintain the professional character, stature and image of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals and rehabilitation.
The chapter president must
assume the task of selecting the right people to fill the leadership positions of the various committees. The Chapter President can motivate these individuals into a performance of excellence.
To do this, the Chapter President must:
- Assume responsibility and delegate authority.
- Render guidance and counsel.
- Listen to constructive criticism and make corrective adjustments.
- Possess humility and respect the rights and feelings of others.
- Manage unpleasant subjects and situations in a fair and just manner.
- Conduct themselves at all times in a way that would add prestige, dignity, and honor to the office of president.
- Preside over all meetings.
- Formulate the overall strategic plan for the chapter modeled after the IARP strategic plan. Oversee the various activities in which the chapter will be involved. This should be one of the first efforts of the president.
The Chapter President should meet with all committee chairs to discuss programs and activities. A priority list is then developed and published. This allows the entire membership to evaluate each program and become active in the area for which they
are most talented. Participation is the key to chapter success.
To do this, the Chapter President must:
- Oversee activities of other officers and functional chairs. A written job description should be prepared for each officer and committee chairperson. The president should stress how their responsibilities align with the overall planned chapter
activities, emphasizing that their dedicated support and performance is vital for the chapter’s growth and success. Each committee should be reviewed periodically, and individual performance noted. Committee participants are prime candidates
to become future chapter officers.
- Preside in a firm, competent, tactful, and just manner. The Chapter President must remain neutral on controversial matters, allowing full discussion in all debatable motions. The Chapter President respects each opinion and, after a majority rules,
ensures that decisions are implemented in a harmonious atmosphere. Opens and closes meetings promptly and ensures that written minutes are published expeditiously.
- Require written progress reports from each officer and committee chairperson each month, comparing them with previously outlined programs and activities. Notify any incumbent of non-performance or slow activity and take proper measures for corrective
- Arrive at the scheduled meeting location early to ensure everything and everyone is ready. Make themselves available to the entire membership, especially new members and guests. The Chapter President should display constant enthusiasm and support
for all chapter activities. Acknowledge each speaker's appearance with a letter of thanks on behalf of the chapter.
- Keep in contact with the entire rehabilitation profession by reading and participating in related activities whenever possible. The Chapter President should make themselves available to other groups to promote the image of rehabilitation.
- Maintain close contact with the executive committee, Council of Presidents' representative, headquarters, the international president, and other chapters on IARP official business. A free exchange of ideas and suggestions is necessary to avoid
misunderstandings and to stay informed about all programs available to Association members.
- Submit a written quarterly progress report to the membership to keep them informed about chapter activities. An annual report should be prepared to evaluate each of the year’s activities or programs. This information will be valuable for setting
the direction for newly elected chapter officers and committee chairpeople. This annual report is to be filed with headquarters by August 15 each year.
- Ensure a smooth transition with the incoming president and serve as a resource as needed.
Additional Duties and Responsibilities
- Coordinate the agenda with headquarters and work with headquarters to ensure that basic policies and programs designed to further the goals and objectives of the Association are planned, formulated, presented to the Board of Directors, and executed
following board approval.
- Appoint the chairs and members of committees and task forces, outline the purpose and duties of these committees and task forces, and monitor progress.
- Support and defend policies and programs adopted by the membership, Board of Directors, and executive committee.
- Promote interest and active participation in the Association among members and report activities of the board and Association to members through letters, publications, or speeches.
- Act as a spokesperson for the Association to the press, the public, legislative bodies, and related organizations.
- Exercise general supervision over the work and activities of the chapter board, executive committee, and other committees.
- Assume a key role in the orientation and transition of the president-elect to the duties of president. Deliver all chapter property to the successor within one month after leaving the office of immediate past president on the board.
- Attend all chapter Board of Directors and executive committee meetings.
- Attend monthly Council of Presidents meetings.
Time Commitment
This will be done through monthly meetings, the monthly COP meeting and the Annual Leadership Training event.
IARP Education Committee
The IARP Education Committee is responsible for all educational content being promoted by IARP. This includes the IARP Annual Conference, webinars, and any in-person seminars. The committee is comprised of up to 16 rehabilitation professionals from
the IARP Sections, including one Director of Education. Members may serve on up to two but no more than three sub-committees. Sub-committee chairs must be section board members, all others may be selected members.
The full committee is comprised of three subcommittees:
Curriculum and Speakers Committee (managed by volunteers, staff engagement minimal): 1 Chair & 4 section members (1 representative from each section, chair appointed by Director of Education) as well as members at large as needed.
The responsibilities of this subcommittee include:
- RFP Creation
- Proposal Review
- Speaker Selection
- Agenda Finalization
- Learning Objectives Review
- CE Application Support
Conference Logistics Committee (managed by event staff with chair): 1 Chair or 2 Co-Chairs & 4 section members (1 representative from each section, chair appointed by Director of Education) as well as members at large as needed.
The responsibilities of this subcommittee include:
- Marketing
- Day of Service
- Receptions
- First Time Attendees
- Young Professionals
- Speaker Gifts
- Awards
- Booth and room monitor
- Future Conference Site Selection by DOE and Logistics Chair/Co-Chairs
Learn Webinar Committee (managed by PD staff with chair): 1 Chair & 4 section members (1 representative from each section, chair appointed by Director of Education) as well as members at large as needed.
The responsibilities
of this subcommittee include:
- Selection of Webinar Speakers
- Moderate Webinar Sessions
- Auditing Webinar Offerings
- Working with the Sections to Offer Relevant Education Content
Roles and Responsibilities
Director of Education
- Volunteer elected by IARP membership
- Must serve at least 2 years on the committee before assuming the Chair position
- Must be an IARP member in good standing
- Will serve as Board Liaison for the IARP National Board of Directors
Meeting Schedules
- The full committee meets quarterly and serves as the oversight group for IARP’s educational programming.
- The Director of Education and the Committee Chairs meet quarterly to report on the activities of their respective subcommittees.
- The sub-committees meet monthly to develop programs specific to their respective subcommittees.
IARP Finance Committee
The Finance Committee’s purpose is to provide financial oversight for the organization, this includes budgeting and financial planning, financial reporting, and the creation and monitoring of internal controls and accountability policies.
The finance committee includes the Treasurer and one or more committee members, the Council of Chapter Presidents representative, the Executive Director, and a Finance/Accounting representative from the Association management company. A budget subcommittee,
comprised of one representative appointed by each special interest section and by the Council of Chapter Presidents, along with the Treasurer and Council of Chapter Presidents representative will provide oversight, input, and feedback during the
annual budget deliberation process.
Time Commitment
3-8 hours per month, depending on position.
Roles and Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the finance committee include but are not limited to:
Position Description:
This position will be responsible for gathering and sharing relevant information back and forth between the committee/staff and the sections/chapters.
All Members
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Serve as liaison to sections/chapters/committees.
- Assist the Board of Directors in its oversight responsibilities of the Association’s financial reporting process, system of internal controls over financial reporting, budget process, audit process, and financial policies.
- Ensure due diligence by regularly addressing the financial health of the association. It shall maintain the Association’s continuing communication about financial management among the board and staff.
- Responsible for reviewing the annual audit and reporting the results to the Board of Directors.
- Responsible for reviewing monthly statements, making decisions on investment holdings, and ensuring that investments follow the investment policy statement.
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Working knowledge of accounting practices
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner
- Ability to set and abide by timelines
IARP Legislative/Government Affairs Committee
The Legislative and Government Affairs (LGA) Committee is either elected or appointed by the IARP International Board of Directors and the section Boards to monitor and oversee government-related matters involving IARP and rehabilitation as it relates
to the industry.
The LGA Committee shall be composed of seven members; a representative from each section, a representative from the Council of Chapter Presidents, and an appointed Chair who will report directly to the IARP Board of Directors and/or the Executive
Director. The IARP president appoints the committee chair who shall be approved for a term of one year and shall serve until his/her successor is appointed and qualifies. Sections and Council of Chapter Presidents may either have a board position
designated as the board representative to the LGA Committee or the Chair of each section/council may appoint a representative. LGA Chair vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the IARP International Board of Directors and committee member
vacancies will be filled by representative section/council Chair appointment.
The LGA Chair and Committee shall have general oversight of the following:
- Oversee the significant legislative and regulatory issues that have or could have an effect on the IARP members and to inform the IARP International Board of such issues.
- Provide oversight and guidance to the leadership of IARP with respect to IARP’s initiatives with or involving the United States government and applicable state governments.
- Monitor IARP’s compliance with regulatory requirements.
- To periodically brief the IARP International Board regarding IARP’s relationships with the United States government and applicable state governments.
Evaluation of the LGA Committee
The LGA Committee will annually evaluate its performance under this charter. The LGA Committee will address all matters that the LGA Committee considers relevant to its performance, including the adequacy, quality and appropriateness of the information
and recommendations presented by the LGA Committee to the International IARP Board. The LGA Committee will report to the International IARP Board the results of its evaluation, including any recommended amendments to this charter and any recommended
changes to the International IARP Board’s policies and procedures.
Roles and Responsibilities
Legislative and Government Affairs Chair
The LGA Chair responsible for monitoring legislation that might influence the scope and practice of rehabilitation in the US. When directed by the International IARP Board of Directors, the LGA Chair and committee lead all efforts to affect legislation.
Include oversight of all items listed under the committee job description as well as:
- Prepare and submit annual budgetary requirements by April 1.
- Act as the liaison to the International IARP Board of Directors and Section and Chapter leaders regarding legislative issues related to rehabilitation.
- Leading the LGA Committee in establishing priorities and communication pieces on behalf of IARP.
Term of Service
This is an elected position for a term of two (2) years or until a successor is appointed.
Chair Accountability
The LGA Chair is accountable to the International IARP member base and the Board of Directors by election and reports to the IARP Board of Directors. The LGA Chair agrees to uphold and abide by International
IARP Bylaws, Policy, Job Description, Volunteer Code of Conduct, Rules of Engagement, and Financial Policies & Procedures
Vacancy & Succession
A vacancy may be filled by appointment by the International IARP Board President with the approval of the International IARP Board at any Board or special meeting.
Removal from Service
The LGA Chair shall automatically be disqualified to serve if dues for the current year are not paid; the individual holds an office, directorship or chair ship concurrently in another rehabilitation organization
where there may be a conflict of interest with IARP or for failure to perform required duties.
Legislative and Government Affairs Committee
The LGA Committee is responsible for monitoring legislation that might influence the scope and practice of rehabilitation in the US. When directed by the International IARP Board of Directors, the LGA Committee leads all efforts to affect legislation.
Include but are not limited to:
- Maintain close contact with legislative consultants, sections and chapters and lobbyists contracted by IARP and inform the International IARP Board of all relevant information.
- Represent IARP regulatory initiatives and/or government regulation issues, when directed by the International IARP Board.
- Maintain database of all legislative action volunteers and coordinates efforts to affect a positive outcome of legislative initiatives.
- Assume the responsibility for any Government Relations Assistance Program grant applications, as directed by the International IARP Board of Directors.
- Research and compile historical information regarding rehabilitation and legislation in the US.
- Stay fully informed of rehabilitation related legislative activity in US states.
- Coordinate legislative awareness activities and provides appropriate background and training for IARP volunteers involved in the effort.
- Serve as liaison to US, state or area coalitions of rehabilitation work groups.
- Ensure that all coalition members are fully informed during active legislative periods.
- Stay current with all LGA Committee materials, forms and policies of IARP.
- Manage relationships and communications associated with this position with care and professionalism, recognizing that they are sensitive in nature; often involving strict time frames and can ultimately affect the entire profession in the US.
- Study and recommend policy to the governing body concerning legislative government relations matters affecting the profession.
- Study and inform membership concerning local, state, provincial, regional, or country (international) legislation affecting the profession.
- Arrange for research and preparation of testimony for presentation before legislative fact-finding committees.
- Select and arrange for training of Association members to serve as witnesses before legislative fact-finding committees.
- Study, inform membership, and assist in generating grassroots support for, or opposition to, specific regulation/legislation.
- Study and recommend a program aimed at encouraging Association members to inform their employees or the general public on key legislative issues.
- Confer with legislators on legislative matters affecting the profession for purposes of sharing and gathering information.
- Encourage Association members to arrange visits with legislators (city or county councilmen, state legislators, members of Congress) to become better acquainted with and to discuss problems affecting the business and profession.
- Assist IARP chapters and members to prepare and submit to congressional committees written statements on legislative matters affecting the profession.
- Study and inform Association members about the voting records of members of Congress and state legislators.
- Recommend and arrange for programs on legislative matters to be included at Association meetings, conventions, etc.
- Assist IARP chapters and members to study and arrange for inter-association cooperation efforts on certain legislative matters.
- Study, evaluate, and make recommendations concerning trends that might have future legislative impact on the profession.
- Assist IARP chapters and members to study and make recommendations to governing body and membership concerning legislative and government relations matters affecting the economy and the business/professional community in addition to those issues
directly related to the profession.
- Study and inform the membership on administrative actions or rulings and court decision affecting the profession.
- Study and make recommendations regarding changes in administrative procedures affecting the profession.
- Confer with government employees on profession matters. Furnish information concerning the profession for purposes of sharing and gathering of information.
- Play a leadership role in concert with related associations in the Rehabilitation Counseling Coalition.
Term of Service
This is an elected position for a term of two (2) years or until a successor is appointed. Committee members are eligible to serve two (2) congruent terms.
The LGA Committee is accountable to the International IARP member base and the Board of Directors by appointment and reports to LGA Chair. The LGA committee agrees to uphold and abide by International IARP Bylaws,
Policy, Job Description, Volunteer Code of Conduct, Rules of Engagement, and Financial Policies & Procedures.
Vacancy & Succession
A vacancy may be filled by appointment by the International IARP Board President with the approval of the International IARP Board at any Board or special meeting.
Removal from Service
Any LGA committee member shall automatically be disqualified to serve if dues for the current year are not paid; the individual holds an office, directorship or chair ship concurrently in another rehabilitation organization where there may
be a conflict of interest with IARP or for failure to perform required duties.
Other Information
Outside Advisors
Once presented to and approved by International IARP, the LGA Committee may conduct or authorize investigations into or studies of matters within the LGA Committee’s scope of responsibilities, and may engage, at International IARP‘s expense, such
independent counsel and other advisors,
Once approval has been granted and budget determinations approved, the LGA Committee has authority to retain and terminate a consultant to assist the LGA Committee in carrying out its responsibilities. The LGA Committee will manage execution of approved
arrangements on behalf of IARP.
IARP Membership & Marketing Committee
The Membership & Marketing Committee's primary focus is to strengthen the association by driving membership and promoting IARP’s benefits. This committee will accurately reflect the needs of the membership and will develop strategies to increase
membership and member networking via multiple communication channels. They will also build brand alignment through internal and external communications, events, and campaigns.
Director of Membership and Marketing
Position Description
This position will be responsible for gathering and sharing relevant information back and forth between the committee/staff and the sections/chapters and to the board of directors.
Objectives and Responsibilities
Act as liaison between committees and board
Required Skills and Knowledge
Time Commitment
6-8 hours per month
Marketing Lead
Position Description
This individual will be responsible for working with staff to oversee the timelines, segments and content for marketing initiatives.
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Work with staff to review and develop marketing content
- Work with sections and chapters to distribute via established channels and to identify new channels
- Work with staff to identify and develop collateral material needs and signage
- Work with sections and chapters to identify key target markets
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Working knowledge of key industry topics
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner
- Ability to set and abide by timelines
Newsletter Lead
Position Description
This individual will be responsible for working with staff to develop the timelines, segments and content for the newsletter.
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Work with staff to develop newsletter content calendar
- Work with sections and chapters to identify topics of interest
- Proof final copy
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Working knowledge of key industry topics
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner
- Ability to set and abide by timelines
Time Commitment
Website Lead
Position Description
This position will review the site and content of the site to ensure material is relevant and will identify opportunities for improvement. Example: There needs to be a discussion about the journals' home on the site, layout of how to get
to them and an easy way to search them.
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Work with staff to develop content review calendar
- Work with leadership, sections and chapters to gather updated information
- Review and offer edits as necessary
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Working knowledge of IARP; sections, chapters, benefits, affinity programs, etc.
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner
- Ability to set and abide by timelines
Time Commitment
Social Media Lead
Position Description
This position will be responsible for working with staff to develop a social media calendar, identify topics and postings and will work to forward the messages effectively.
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Work with staff to develop social media content calendar
- Work with leadership, sections and chapters to identify topics of interest
- Proof final copy
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Working knowledge of key industry topics
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner
- Ability to set and abide by timelines
Time Commitment
Publications Lead
Position Description
This position will work with editors to provide content ideas and share editions via appropriate channels. Ad space, create consistency and continuity.
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Work with staff and editors to identify topics of interest
- Work with staff and editors to identify advertising opportunities
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Working knowledge of key industry topics
- Connection with possible industry partners
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner
- Ability to set and abide by timelines
Time Commitment
Connect/Communities Lead
Position Description
This position will monitor the section/all member discussions for issues that arise and will assess current communities and determine that can be archived or closed, other issues that may come up.
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Work with staff to develop and monitor site postings
- Work with staff and volunteers to identify key industry topics for posting
- Work with staff to develop content calendar
- Proof final copy
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Working knowledge of key industry topics
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner
- Ability to set and abide by timelines
Time Commitment
Event Development Lead
Position Description
This position will work with event staff and volunteer leadership to develop timeline, content and execution roles.
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Work with staff and event volunteers to develop marketing plan
- Work with staff and volunteers to create content for event marketing
- Proof final copy
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Working knowledge of IARP events
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner
- Ability to set and abide by timelines
Time Commitment
Membership Lead
Position Description
This individual will be responsible for working with staff to oversee the timelines, segments and content for membership marketing initiatives.
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Work with staff to review and develop messaging content
- Work with sections and chapters to identify areas of interest
- Work with sections and chapters to identify key target markets
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Working knowledge of key industry topics
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner
- Ability to set and abide by timelines
Solicitation Lead
Position Description
This position will be responsible for working with staff to develop recruitment and retention campaigns.
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Work with staff to develop solicitation plan for renewing and lapsed members as well as new audiences
- Work with staff to write, review and proof copy for solicitation materials
- Work with sections and chapters to identify new member opportunities via local or section specific events
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Working knowledge of key industry areas for potential membership opportunities
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner
- Ability to set and abide by timelines
Time Commitment
Member Experience Lead
Position Description
This position this group will be responsible for monitoring and assessing effectiveness of member benefits and will work with staff to identify new opportunities this group will be the lead to connect with members regarding questions, concerns
or thoughts members may have.
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Work with staff and volunteers to assess current membership benefits and to identify new opportunities
- Review industry standards and work with staff to implement as necessary
- Work with staff to answer questions form the membership base
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Working knowledge of member needs
- Working knowledge of industry standards
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner
- Ability to set and abide by timelines
Time Commitment
Awards/Recognition Lead
Position Description
This position will work with staff and the Awards Committee to ensure all members understand the established categories, process and timelines for timely submissions.
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Work with staff and volunteers to establish awards categories and protocol necessary for IARP needs
- Work with staff and volunteers to create a timeline and process for solicitation and review
- Work with staff and volunteers to plan and execute awards delivery; Annual Conference event, certificate mailing, etc.
- Work with staff and volunteers to develop communication strategy, both to the nominees and recipients as well to the public
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Working knowledge of IARP awards and member needs
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner
- Ability to set and abide by timelines
Time Commitment
IARP Partnership Committee
The Partnership Committee’s purpose is to oversee and implement the IARP Affiliation and Member Benefit Partner process.
This committee will consist of a Chair and five representatives, who will foster and maintain relationships, with staff through key stewardship activities.
Roles and Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the Partnership Committee include but are not limited to:
- Will work closely with staff to develop timelines, parameters and processes that will assist in the solicitation and acquisition of affiliation and member benefit partner agreements with other appropriate organizations and companies.
- Will work to identify, review and determine appropriate organizations/companies for possible affiliation and member benefit partner agreements.
- Will maintain regular contact with assigned partner organization to promote IARP events, receive current information on partner events, and act as a liaison between IARP and the partner.
- Identify appropriate non-IARP events for possible sponsorship and/or presenting opportunities to increase IARP visibility.
- Work with IARP members attending appropriate non-IARP events willing to represent IARP and provide marketing materials, talking points, and other introductory materials as appropriate.
Time Commitment
This will be done through 8-10 committee meetings annually and by meeting at the Annual Conference.
All Partnership Committee Positions require a 2 year term of office. Members, aside from the Chair may serve as many consecutive terms as desired.
IARP Sales Committee
The Sales Committee’s purpose is to provide significant revenue and educational value by leading the conference exhibitor and sponsorship sales, publication advertising, and the Year Round Partner sales throughout the year. As the lead of the critical
component of resource engagement and revenue, this committee will ensure that the potential partners as well as the membership at large are aware of the program and will actively seek partners to support IARP initiatives. They will work closely
with staff to develop timelines, parameters, and processes that will assist in the solicitation and acquisition of partners.
This committee will consist of a Chair, representatives from each section, and other members as determined necessary. They will work with staff through key solicitation and stewardship activities.
Time Commitment
This work will be done through 8-10 committee meetings annually and by meeting at the Annual Conference where this group will steward all partners present.
All Partnership Committee Positions require a 2-year term of office. Members, aside
from the Chair may serve as many consecutive terms as desired.
Roles and Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the Sales Committee include but are not limited to:
Position Description
The chair will be responsible for developing and implementing an organized plan for marketing and recruitment of partners to participate in IARP’s exhibiting, ad, or sponsor programs.
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Creation of Prospectus: Sponsorship level details and messaging
- Key messaging includes:
- Conference theme: TBD
- IARP positioning
- 'Partner' designation for Sponsors/exhibitors
- Participating benefits: see previous communications (prospectuses and emails)
- Outreach/Stewardship Efforts; strategies and communication materials to immediate past sponsors/exhibitors, lapsed sponsors/exhibitors and new prospective candidates.
- Will determine the strategies, write emails, make introductory calls to new prospects explaining the conference, follow up with specific prospects with a phone call and/or emails if needed, and approve special deals.
- Optimization of Prospect List: update contacts at companies, deletion of companies no longer in business, identification of new prospects (especially recent start-ups)
- Pre-conference preparation
- Obtain conference raffle, door prizes as necessary
- Survey for Sponsors/exhibitors
- Onsite Conference Activities:
- Thank sponsors during Awards Presentation
- Introducing Thursday night activity sponsor
- Door Prize announcements as needed
- Visit each exhibitor: Thank and get feedback - How they feel about the conference (i.e. traffic, leads), suggestions for next year, etc.
- Competitive Conference Analyses: identify new sponsorship ideas and potential sponsors.
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Desire to connect individuals in meaningful ways.
- Ability to assess industry trends and offer partner recommendations.
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner.
- Ability to set and abide by timelines.
Time Commitment
Note: Ewald is responsible for closing the sale with sponsors/exhibitors and all administrative details: follow-up contacts via phone and email, answering questions, applications, payments, and official thank you's.
All Members
Position Description
All members will be responsible for working with the Chair to develop and implement an organized plan for marketing and for recruiting partners to participate in IARP’s exhibiting, ad or affinity programs.
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Assist in setting up and scheduling committee members to attend the booth at annual conferences.
- Attend committee meetings and offer assistance in current projects as needed.
- Bring matters of concern to the attention of the Chair.
- Serve as POC for anyone with questions about the Sponsorship and Sales program.
- Promote the Sponsorship and Sales program in all section discussion groups, inviting others to offer leads and participate as appropriate.
- Work with sections and chapters to identify possible partners.
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Desire to connect individuals in meaningful ways.
- Ability to assess industry trends and offer partner recommendations.
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner.
- Ability to set and abide by timelines.
Time Commitment
IARP Awards Committee
The Awards Committee’s purpose is to oversee the IARP Awards process. NOTE: This is a subcommittee of the Membership and Marketing Committee
Each year, IARP presents two awards:
AND provides section/committee recognition during the annual conference.
This committee is a subset of the Marketing and Membership Committee and will be chaired by the Director of Marketing and Membership and will consist of the current Marketing and Membership Committee members who represent each of the current sections.
This committee will foster and maintain relationships with staff through key stewardship activities.
Roles and Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the Awards Committee include but are not limited to:
- Will work closely with staff to develop timelines, parameters and processes that will assist in the solicitation and acquisition of award nominations.
- Will work to review nominations and determine candidates for awards.
- Will work with staff to develop timelines and presentations during the Annual Conference.
Time Commitment
This will be done through the currently scheduled Marketing and Membership Committee meetings
IARP Mentor/Coach Committee
The Coaching/Mentoring committee’s purpose is to assist as needed in the matching of Mentors and Protégés; ensure that the membership at large is aware of the Mentoring program; and promote the professional growth of both Mentors and Protégés. We
do this through 8 – 10 monthly committee meetings annually and by meeting at the Annual Conference where we have a booth to help educate the general membership about this benefit. Volunteering on this committee will take an hour or two a month.
The 8-10 meetings will be outlined by the Committee Chair for the year. This committee has 7 minimum positions, allowing for a chair, coaching lead and a representative from each section.
Roles and Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the mentoring committee include but are not limited to:
Mentor Committee Chairperson
- Provide leadership to the Committee, including the development of the Committee in accordance with the policies of the IARP constitution and bylaws.
- Set Agenda, schedule, convene, and preside at regular meetings of the Mentor Committee.
- Review and be familiar with the duties and responsibilities of the Mentoring Committee and ensure that those responsibilities are carried out in a timely manner.
- Serve as Point of Contact (POC) for anyone with questions about the Mentoring program.
- Organize Mentoring Booth at the annual conference and ensure committee volunteers are present to attend the booth as needed during the conference.
- Supervise the implementation of the Committee’s strategic plan. Modify the plan as needed with the help of the Committee members and Co-Chair.
- Work with sections and chapters to identify possible mentors and mentees.
- Complete a 2-year term and remain available to the new Chair, as needed, to mentor and ensure a smooth transition into the role of Chair. The Chair may serve two 2-year terms and may extend if a new chair cannot be located after the 2-year term.
- Assist the IARP Board of Directors with identifying candidates for future positions.
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Desire to connect individuals in meaningful ways
- Ability to assess industry trends and offer marketing recommendations
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner
- Ability to set and abide by timelines
Mentor Committee Co-Chair
- Assume the responsibilities and duties of the Committee Chair in the absence of the Chair.
- Assist the Chair in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the Chair.
- Post Committee meeting announcements on the IARP Mentor Committee web page.
- Take notes at all Committee meetings and proof minutes provided by the Chair, prior to posting on the IARP Mentor Committee webpage.
- Monitor Mentor Supervision/Oversight to ensure Mentors and Protégés are progressing in the Mentoring relationship without hardship and to ensure Mentors and Protégés are finding matches in a timely manner by monitoring the IARP Mentor Matching
Webpage. This is shared by the full committee at the Chair and Co-Chair’s direction.
- Serve as POC for anyone with questions about the Mentoring program.
- If a Co-Chair cannot be located, the duties described below would be distributed among other committee members.
Mentor Committee Members
All Members
- Attend Committee meetings and offer assistance in current projects as needed.
- Bring matters of concern to the attention of the Chair and Co-Chair.
- Serve as POC for anyone with questions about the Mentoring program.
- Promote the Mentoring program in all section discussion groups, inviting others to participate in the Mentoring program whenever it seems appropriate.
- Each member of the committee will have 1-2 months a year to monitor the webpage sign-ups and reach out to any protégé who is unmatched to manually assist with recruiting and matching with a mentor.
Time Commitment
2-3 hours per month on average, with 3-6 on the one to 2 months the individual is monitoring the mentor website and actively assisting in mentor matches.
Coaching Lead
Position Description
This individual will be the coaching program contact to the committee. The individual will have name recognition for contact on the website and be a part of mentoring committee meetings.
Objectives and Responsibilities
- Participate in Coaching Supervision/Oversight to identify and solve problems and confirm matches are made in a timely manner.
- Promote the Coaching program in all section discussion groups, inviting others to participate in the Mentoring program whenever it seems appropriate.
- Work with sections and chapters to identify possible coaches and learners.
Required Skills and Knowledge
- Desire to connect individuals in meaningful ways
- Ability to assess industry trends and offer marketing recommendations
- Ability to work with staff and volunteers in a collaborative manner
- Ability to set and abide by timelines
Time Commitment
3-6 hours per month.